Friday, July 16, 2010

Rice and Peas


1 Coconut or 1 tin Coconut milk (Grace/Goya)
1/2 pack Red Kidney Beans (1 pack Guango Peas)
2 Sprig Thyme
2 Stalk Escallion
1 Green Habanero Pepper (Do Not Cut it Place in Pot whole)
3 cups White Rice or Brown (This serves 6-7 people with a big appetite)
5 Pimento Cloves (Optional)
Salt (to taste)
Pour out Red Kidney beans and wash carefully (or Guango Peas). Put in pot with water add 1 clove of garlic(make sure water covers peas) and cook until peas is tender. Break coconut and remove white meat from shell..(be careful, put coconut in a small towel to avoid injury). Dice coconut and blend with water. To save time you can use coconut milk in tin (Grace or Goya). Strain blend coconut milk and add to cooked peas. Season with 2 sprig Thyme, Escallion , 1 green Habanero pepper (you can also add 5 cloves of Pimento seed if desired) and Salt to taste. Let cook in for 5 mins. Add your Rice (if you use Brown Rice you will need more liquid). Cover pot with foil paper (that's how I do really keeps in the steam) then place lid on pot lower heat and let steam as per directions on your rice package. Trust mi you follow this you can't go wrong. Serve hot..don't burn your mouth.

Psst..guess what? you can also use the Kidney and Guango Peas in the tin (saves time)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oxtail and Butter Bean (my way)
Method of cooking
Preheat oven at 375 degrees F
Season meat with salt and pepper and other dry seasoning only..then place on a baking tray and place in the oven (we want to get rid of excess fat on meat and it's also a nice way to brown your meat. Leave in oven for about 45 mins . Remove pieces of meat from tray and place in pot (deep/heavy pot is best) do not add oil drippings. Also add garlic cloves (crushed or diced) and pimento, and cooking oil, cover entirely with water and cover let it slow cook..If water boils out turn me and avoid sticking, add more water until meat is tender and leaving bone. To save time you can use a pressure cooker, but please be careful! By now your mouth should be watering from the delicious aroma! Slice onion, crush escallion, dice tomato and add thyme and cut small piece of habanero pepper (remember it is really hot)..add a little bit more water and cover let simmer for another 10-15mins on medium heat. You want the seasoning to soak in. Next add your Butter Bean and more salt and Black pepper to taste..cook for another 2 mins until your gravy is nice and thick (should not be runny)..Make sure all the excess water is cooked out. You can thicken your gravy with a little cornstarch if needed ..but if you did it right there should be no need to. That's it you are done...Really hope you enjoy making this..Remember it does take time to prepare so if you want something quick maybe you should try my Mac n Cheese (that another story)..One Love!


2 Lbs Oxtail (more meat the better)
1 Tin Butter Bean (try Grace or Goya)
1 Onion
1 Habanero Pepper (This is very hot so add to taste)
1 Tablespoon Oxtail Seasoning (Jamaican Choice)
1 Tablespoon Garlic and Escallion Allspice (Jamaican Choice)
2 stalk Escallion
4 Sprig Thyme
1 Teaspoon Black Pepper
Salt (to taste)
3 Cloves Garlic
1 small tomato
8 Pimento Clove (same Pimento Seed)
1 Tablespoon Vegetable Oil (Oxtail is very don't use too much oil)
2 Tablespoon Soy Sauce or Browning (it depends on how dark you want your meat)

My Love for cooking

I have finally started my blog..thanks to my son's friend calling me for advice, on how to cook one of my favorite dishes..Jamaican Oxtail with rice and peas (hope you enjoyed your meal Jason). Also want to thank my brother Mark for always calling me for my knowledge on how to make his favorite bread pudding..of course you have to try it with the Rum sauce. I always want to start my own restaurant business, but no time..but it is on my to do list before I reach Well here goes..hope you all enjoy my version of Jamaica..and please feel free to visit my site ..don't just nam and run!